The inquiry process is the steering wheel of teacher appraisal. As well as discovering evidence to continually improve practice and outcomes for children, the inquiry cycle provides evidence of accountability and fulfills components of the teacher certification journey.
Teaching as inquiry is when teachers continuously inquire into the impact of their teaching practices on children’s learning, and make decisions to improve their teaching practice and enhance the children’s learning. It involves learning about your teaching practice through observations which provide insights into teaching practice and how it affects the children’s learning outcomes. A key aspect /aim being to enhance the children’s learning and development, and the centre vision, as you evolve your teaching practice.

Key steps for an inquiry:
What are you noticing; identify an inquiry goal; gather evidence and reflect on the information you have discovered, and how it impacts on the children’s learning; plan and implement changes; be willing to take risks, or change direction, or start again; regularly discuss your ideas, research and discuss new discoveries with your colleagues to gain different perspectives; evaluate – what are your thoughts for future development.
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