Roadmap to Certification Resource
The Roadmap is not a stand-alone resource, it is designed so you and your mentor can work through it together to make the process simpler and more effective for you both.
The Roadmap Provides:
- Advice on how to choose a great mentor and get the best out of working with them
- A clear framework of what actions you need to take as you progress towards full certification
- A suggested timeline of when you should be hitting each step or planning actions with flexibility built in for your situation
- Tips on how to set goals and schedule your time to complete certification tasks
- Valuable tools for planning and reflection
- Prompts for critical questions to ask during planning and reflection meetings to make the most of these times
- Helpful tips on aligning your inquiry and assessment need with the processes and practices of the centre where you are working
- Links, all in one handy place to the key documents you’ll need during the certification process