The Importance of Taking Your Time During ECE Teacher Certification

We often tell children to slow down, and the same can be said for newly graduated ECE teachers.

With equal levels of energy and enthusiasm, it can be as tempting for ECE teachers to race towards their future at the same full throttle pace as the children in their care!

But, that could be a mistake.

Rather, it is vital for ECE Teachers at the start of their provisional teaching journey, take a breath before racing ahead.

Once you have completed your initial training and received your Provisional Certificate, you may be raring to get started on your Full Certification. But there is much to be said for taking a bit of time to get settled into your new role first.

Here’s why you want to take a period of familiarisation before diving in.

The Importance of Taking Your Time During ECE Teacher Certification

The Benefits of Taking It Slow

There are a number of benefits to settling into your new early childhood education role slowly. Taking the right initial steps helps set you up for success on your certification journey. It provides you with a solid platform to start the next stage of your learning and reflection.

There is a big difference between being a student-teacher and being a qualified teacher (even a provisionally certified one), so be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adjust. You may find it overwhelming, especially if you have taken a job in a different centre or increased your hours and responsibilities.

Each centre is different, so if you have moved centres between your training and your first job, it is important to take time to learn the new routines and get to know the children and their families and the teaching team. Even if you are at the same Centre, you will be on a different path now that you are completing your provisional teaching requirements.


The First Few Weeks

The first few weeks should be about being present and enjoying the next stage of your journey, rather than focusing on the next step. A love of children and a desire to help them learn is what leads early childhood teachers to the role, so give yourself time to enjoy that part of the job.

Certification can be hard work and time consuming, so it is much better to be fully grounded and at ease in your new centre before you take on extra work.

Reviewing the centre’s documents, induction process and mentoring programme is essential as it lets you see how you can fit your Certification requirements into the centre’s existing programme or what you might need to discuss. If you get this right initially, you can address any issues early on rather than trying to fix them as you go along.

Take Your Time

Even if you have worked in the centre before, it is still important to take your time in those first weeks of provisional teaching. If you worked in the centre as part of your studies, it’s a great idea to take some time to re-evaluate things and how you fit in.

Your position as a student within the centre and the tasks you may have undertaken could be different to your work now you are a provisional teacher, and this may include further responsibilities.

Reviewing the centre’s documentation and practices with a more critical eye now that you have full training may lead to new insights.

Take Your Time Helps Form the Right Mentor Connection

Your mentor will be a critical part of your certification. They help familiarise you with the certification process and reflect on your learning, plus support you during your time at the centre.

So, it stands to reason that you want to form a great connection with them in the beginning to start your relationship on the right foot. By not rushing into anything, you can take the time to get to know each other and build those relationship foundations. Part of that is knowing what you are wanting out of the relationship and discussing your learning and reflection style.

Remember, if you cannot find a suitable mentor at the centre, you can bring in an external mentor.

Would You Like Some Guidance On Your Certification Journey?

 If you are beginning your two-year full certification process and would like a guiding hand along the way, the Roadmap to Certification can help.

The Roadmap gives you a clear timeline to help you plan your certification journey and helpful guidance to get the best out of your two years. It includes the right way to take the first steps in your new role.

Purchase your Roadmap today, and you’ll also benefit from personal support from me and membership in our Facebook group so you can connect with other new teachers on the same journey.
