Author name: Leanne

I am an early childhood teacher with over twenty year’s experience, and understand the complexity of the early childhood profession, and the impact it can have on individuals. Through the experience of supporting individuals to attain certification in the early childhood profession, I became aware the path to empowerment was already within them. My own journey of transformation began as I looked at ways to assist their self discovery and empowerment. The skills I have acquired can be applied to all individuals and teams who are seeking direction, change, and life balance. My journey has progressed to where I am currently equipped with the skills to coach individuals seeking to clarify their own life journey and restore balance into their lives.

Values part two:

In life there are many difficulties along the road. Knowing your values can aid and support you in making decisions and staying true to your authentic self! Defining your values: Identify times from your personal and work life when you were at your happiest, proudest and most fulfilled; Think about the factors that contributed to

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Values part one:

Values define what you believe to be important to your life and confirm your true self. Building a lifestyle around values, then living with your values in mind, helps to create a meaningful and satisfying life. When values are aligned with priorities, life is generally on the right track! When these do not align, life

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Being part of a great team is an exceptional place to be! One where your work can be effortless, constructive, supported and extremely pleasurable. This is something to be cherished and maintained for the benefit of all involved. What are the optimal conditions to develop and grow a team? I liken this to growing a

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Gratitude enhances our emotional and physical well-being. It is the practice of focusing on what we have, noticing and appreciating the positives in our world. Gratitude creates benefits such as: happiness; increased resilience; improved self-esteem; better quality sleep; lower stress; and more meaningful relationships. Tips for practicing gratitude: slow down and be mindful of what

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Part 1: Caring for your soul…

Stephen Covey talks about the four key areas of our lives:●Physical: Exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep.●Social/emotional: Socializing, having time away, taking up a hobby, having fun.●Mental: Stimulating your mind, reading, learning, listening to podcasts.●Spiritual: Rejuvenating your soul, spending time in nature, considering your sense of purpose, who am I and what do I do?

Part 1: Caring for your soul… Read More »


It takes intentional change to make self-care a priority and create new habits. Some suggestions to get you thinking: eating well; getting enough sleep; socializing; time away; hobbies; fun; learning; reading; listening to podcasts; time in nature; considering your sense of purpose; who I am; and what do I do. What else can you add

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