Stephen Covey talks about the four key areas of our lives:
●Physical: Exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep.
●Social/emotional: Socializing, having time away, taking up a hobby, having fun.
●Mental: Stimulating your mind, reading, learning, listening to podcasts.
●Spiritual: Rejuvenating your soul, spending time in nature, considering your sense of purpose, who am I and what do I do?
When we have an holistic balance of these areas, we thrive.
Caring for our soul involves the spiritual area of our lives and connects to our health and well-being.
Tips for caring for your soul: Meditation/mindfulness that leaves you refreshed and energised; gratitude, focus on the positives in your life; give positive attention and focus to what you want; trust all will work out as it ought; learn to forgive yourself and move on; do small things you enjoy; embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and apply the learnings to future ventures; connect with nature.