So you’ve passed your teacher training, and you’re a Provisionally Registered teacher at an early childhood education (ECE) centre. Congratulations!
That’s a cause for celebration, but now comes the next big step – full registration.
Holding a Full Practising Certificate shows that you have met all teaching standards and can teach independently. It is helpful when applying for teaching roles, particularly for senior positions in ECE centres.
To obtain that practising certificate, you’ll need to first complete your provisional teaching requirements.
Sometimes it can be hard to know how to juggle these requirements alongside full-time teaching.
So, let’s unpack everything now.

Tackling Provisional Teaching
Before obtaining your full teaching registration, you’ll need to complete a two-year programme of induction and mentoring. This process helps you develop as a teacher while working in a real-life environment. It also allows your skills to be assessed by another experienced ECE practitioner. During this time, you’ll set goals and a focus for an inquiry area.
For many, the thought of juggling this while also holding down a job and whatever commitments you might have outside of work is more daunting than the study that led them to this point.
You may be unclear on what you actually need to do to obtain your Full Practising Certificate or where you go to find the correct documents and resources. Or perhaps you are worried about how you will fit in the planning and reflections that you need to undertake or how the Standards relate to what you are doing at your centre.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right resources and support, your journey to certification may still be challenging, but it will be less overwhelming.
Give Yourself A Boost With The Roadmap To Certification
If you would like to cut through those feelings of overwhelm and give yourself the best chance at achieving your certification, then I have a great resource to help you do just that.
The Roadmap to Certification will help.
The Roadmap is a resource that helps you create a clear outline for your two-year certification journey. It helps you break what could be a daunting task down into actionable steps and empowers you to select the right mentor to help you through the process.
The Roadmap does not have to be a stand-alone resource. You and your mentor can work through it together to make the process simpler and more effective for you both.
What Does The Roadmap To Certification Offer?
A clear and concise resource, the Roadmap ensures that no consideration is missed in your provisional teaching journey.
The Roadmap gives you:
- A clear framework of what actions you need to take as you progress towards full certification
- A suggested timeline of when you should be hitting each step or planning actions with flexibility built in for your situation
- Tips on how to set goals and schedule your time to complete certification tasks
- Advice on how to choose a great mentor and get the best out of working with them
- Valuable tools for planning and reflection
- Prompts for critical questions to ask during planning and reflection meetings to make the most of these times
- Helpful tips on aligning your inquiry and assessment needs with the processes and practices of the centre where you are working.
- Links to the key documents you’ll need during the certification process, all in one handy place
Support Is Always Available
While it can feel like a stressful and overwhelming time, it’s important to remember that you are not alone on your journey to certification. You will have plenty of support from an ECE expert and others who are navigating the same road.
For starters, you’ll have the one to one mentor at your Centre. But, you can also gain an extra level of support and camaraderie from others navigating the same journey you are.
When you buy the Roadmap to Certification ebook, you’ll, of course, get an immensely useful resource. But you’ll also get access to a month of personalised support from me during which I’ll be on hand to answer any and all of your questions.
As an experienced ECE educator and coach, I have been where you are now. I’ve also helped many teachers successfully navigate their provisional journey and come out the other side fully qualified and ready to tackle the world of ECE teaching.
Your mentor at your ECE centre is there to help you with the day to day tasks you need to complete and to reflect on them. I’m here to offer you that extra support that keeps you on the right track without feeling overwhelmed. With years of experience in ECE, I love nothing more than helping new teachers get started on the right foot.
You’ll also be welcomed into our private Facebook group, where you can connect with others on the Certification journey. I post regularly in the group, answering questions and offering tips to help you along the way.
If you’d like to make the process of gaining your Full Practising Certificate smoother, join the waitlist to be the first to hear about the roadmap.If you’d like to know more before signing up, get in touch for more information.