Teaching Children Environmental Awareness: Physical And Digital

Each and every person is important to this world, no matter how small they are right now.

That’s why, as teachers, we have a responsibility to teach children in ECE about the world around them.

As citizens of the world, we all have a responsibility to respect and care for our planet.

Early childhood is the perfect stage to introduce the concepts of environmental awareness, both in relation to the physical environment around them, but also in the digital realm.

This dual approach can help children develop a real awareness of their world, fostering sustainable habits and a balanced use of technology from an early age.

Let’s explore how you can tackle these principles at your Centre.

Sustainability: The Physical Environment

In New Zealand, we are really lucky. Unlike some other countries in the world, we have the unique opportunity to connect children with the natural world. From our beautiful landscapes and varied environments to local biodiversity, fostering an appreciation for the environment is crucial.

With a global awareness shining a light on the need for lifelong sustainable habits, ECE is the ultimate setting to get children involved in their world. Introducing them to nature sets the stage for lifelong environmental awareness.

If the children can learn good habits now, it will influence their respect for the environment as they grow. Luckily, sustainability is something that can be embedded into everyday activities.

Here are some examples:
  • Excursions: Getting children out of the centre on an excursion (even if it’s simply a walk to your local park) will help them to explore the world around them. There are plenty of opportunities to learn along the way, like road awareness, noting how things change when the seasons evolve, and gaining a wider perspective of their local community.
  • Gardening projects: Allowing children to plant and care for vegetables or flowers helps them understand practical things like where food comes from and also teaches them empathy in caring for things, along with valuable knowledge about plant life cycles.
  • Recycling practices: Establishing clear systems for recycling and composting in the classroom and encouraging the children to actively participate in waste reduction will help them build good habits. This may even help your centre work towards Enviroschools accreditation.
  • Sustainable crafting: Using recycled materials for creative projects reinforces the idea that many items can be repurposed instead of discarded.

These activities cultivate a hands-on understanding of sustainability, showing children that they can positively impact their surroundings through small actions. As teachers, we can learn to guide the children through these activities while also explaining the bigger picture: the importance of reducing waste, conserving resources, and protecting nature.

The Digital Environment: Safe and Conscious Technology Use

In today’s world, teaching environmental awareness does not just relate to the physical environment we live in. It also extends beyond nature to the virtual environment. Modern children are growing up in a highly digital world and they see us reaching for devices constantly.

So it’s important to encourage principles where they develop healthy, responsible relationships with technology, even if the children don’t physically utilise devices in your centre.

Safe and appropriate use of devices with small children is obviously about way more than simply limiting screen time. In ECE, we can discuss and model the integration of technology into their lives in a way that enhances their learning while still ensuring their wellbeing. Covering these principles will help them to be conscious of technology use and set them up for healthy lifelong habits.

Some key ways to do this in your Centre include:

Purposeful device use: Educate children that devices are tools for learning and creativity rather than passive entertainment. If you are choosing to use devices at your centre, select interactive educational apps that engage children and encourage critical thinking.

  • Digital boundaries: ECE is a fantastic platform for children to experience all kinds of learning, even technology-based experiences. So, it stands to reason they will also learn that device use should be well balanced with other activities. While you may not physically use the devices in your centre, learning about the art of balance and control will help children develop good habits for good physical health and mindfulness in how they use technology.
  • Safe content navigation: From a young age, children can be taught about basic internet safety, such as asking an adult before using devices and understanding the difference between safe and unsafe content.

Technology is such a big part of modern life, so it’s important that children learn ways to use it appropriately in a safe learning environment. The strategies we just mentioned support a responsible approach to technology use, encouraging children to become conscious of the digital spaces they inhabit, just as they are conscious of the physical environment.

Embedding Environmental Awareness in ECE Practices

Environmental awareness is something that should be part of everything we do in ECE. However, incorporating it into your everyday teaching practice involves being intentional.

These are just some of the ways you can promote environmental awareness throughout your provisional teaching journey:

  1. Model environmentally responsible behavior: Children learn by example when they see their teachers following environmentally conscious habits. These can be conserving energy, minimising waste, or using technology responsibly, they are more likely to follow suit.
  2. Create routines that highlight sustainability: There are plenty of ways that you can embed sustainability into your daily routines such as turning off lights when not in use, collecting rainwater for the garden, or walking to outdoor excursions instead of driving.
  3. Encourage reflection and dialogue: Talking about things helps ideas to form and grow, by allowing the children to reflect on what they have learned about the environment. It can be through group discussions or personal stories. Encourage questions and help them think critically about their role in taking care of the earth and managing technology use.

Navigating Environmental Awareness In Your Centre

Helping children to be conscious of the environment around them is a critical aspect of early childhood education. By guiding them to respect the physical world and make mindful choices about technology. This can equip them with the tools to become responsible, empathetic citizens.

As an educator, you’ll play a key role in modelling these practices and it can feel like a big responsibility to ensure future generations understand the importance of sustainability in every aspect of their lives. But don’t worry, you don’t have to go it alone!

You can draw on the support of your colleagues and your centre assigned Mentor. If you feel like you would benefit from additional guidance, you can also seek the support of an external mentor.

As an experienced ECE Educator and Mentor, I’d welcome the opportunity to help you navigate the field of sustainability and digital awareness within your centre. Reach out to me today if you’d like to chat further.

Looking for more information:

You can find out more about about my services on my website. The Kete Ako 6-month programme is a great way to start your provisional journey tailored to meet you where you are at. The programme provides insights into the expectations and what is involved, providing direction and clarity.

I also have resources that can be added to your toolkit. Click here to read more about the Roadmap. Or click here to purchase the Roadmap to Certification e-book for Provisional Certified Teachers. Alternatively, if you are wanting to learn more about my packages, reach out today.

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